Tag: Random

19 articles

JBother brought back to life? Nefarious?

Published: Nov 25, 2024
JBother screenshot

15 years or so ago, I abandoned my first opensource project, JBother and eventually let the domain expire. However, someone, I have no idea who, has rehosted the site, with my design, etc, with very little modifications. Whoever did it has not contacted me at all.

What is going on here?


My First Computer

Published: Dec 10, 2008

Today there was an article on Digg (read it here) that sent me down memory lane. Despite it's title, "10 of the Ugliest Personal Computers Ever Made", it's actually just a collection of pictures from old computers, like the IBM ICS. Reading through the comments of this post, someone mentioned the TRS-80. I remembered that my first computer was a Tandy. I started searching the tubes for a picture of it, because it definitely didn't look like the TRS-80.


I'm Ron Burgundy?

Published: Dec 5, 2008

So yesterday, I started working on putting together a 16 drive storage machine that will serve as a temporary backup for the holidays. The machine in question has a 3ware SATA RAID controller, which in turn has a configuration utility which I used to set up a few volumes. Once the configuration was complete, I saved it, and exited. At this point, the controller had to clear the drives of data, and because all 16 drives are 1.5TB drives, it was taking forever. I started this process in the morning, and by the time I left, it was only at around 45% complete.


Where have all the artists gone?

Published: Nov 18, 2008

What do I have to do to find a graphic artist in the OSS community? Where do projects like Gnome, KDE, etc find these people? In the few projects I've worked on, there's been no shortage of people that are willing to submit a few lines of code in a patch, or actually become a developer on the project by submitting more than a few lines, but graphic artists are few and far between. In Exaile's history, there have been 2 or 3 people that have submitted art, but only a few pieces. The rest of the art is derived from these few pieces; put together by other users and contributed as a set. I've looked for artists, and found some, and even offered to pay others, but it's hard to get anyone to follow through.


Crossover Chromium

Published: Nov 17, 2008

If you're following me on Twitter, you'll know that recently installed Windows Vista so that I could stream Netflix to my Xbox 360. That venture didn't quite work out, apparently Microsoft is working with Netflix and the new Xbox update due on November 19th will have built in Netflix support. Updates to the Netflix interface have caused the vmcNetflix extender for Vista Media Player to stop working. So really, I never needed to install Vista in the first place.


Apologies to OpenClue

Published: Sep 23, 2008

Yeah. I guess messing around with the syndication part of my blog system ended up causing openclue.org to repull all of my old blog posts all at once. Sorry...


iPhone 3G, no interference

Published: Jul 14, 2008

I downloaded the new iPhone software last Friday after my coworker informed me that there was a "Pandora Radio" application available on the AppStore. Internet radio on your phone? No brainer, had to have it...


FireGPG - Very Useful, Very Annoying

Published: Nov 28, 2007

FireGPG is a Firefox extension that allows you to encrypt/decrypt/sign any textbox on any page. More than that, it integrates with Gmail so you can easily send and receive encrypted email! I've been using it for this feature alone as soon as I found out about it's existence. Now there really is no reason to use an IMAP client in my opinion...



Published: Nov 4, 2007

Yup, this article is about the iPhone, so if you're sick of hearing about them, I'd advise you to move right along.


Converting from TextPattern to Django

Published: Oct 29, 2007

I like TextPattern a lot, but it doesn't seem to work well for programmers. I couldn't ever find a syntax highlighting plugin (that worked) for it, and even when I did figure out a way to post code TextPattern would try to format it.

So, I finally had a reason to learn Django, and here is the product. I even implemented my own syntax highlighting filter (Josh Simpson's idea to do this is actually what finally made me want to switch away from TextPattern in the first place):


Migrating from Trac to Launchpad

Published: Sep 1, 2007

I love trac. LOVE it. With the recent exaile.org hack, however, I wanted my bugs and code to be in a place that isn’t going anywhere soon. I chose Launchpad.