Tag: Python

11 articles

Exaile Released!

Published: Sep 8, 2009

This month is my company's national convention. This combined with a secret project I'm working on after hours means I basically have no time to work on Exaile until October. So, no thanks to me, Exaile has been released. This one is brought to you by the other members of the team, and is a bugfix release for 0.3.0. This includes fixing the bug that was causing 0.2.14->0.3 migration problems for most people. Enjoy!


Exaile 0.3.0 final released!

Published: Aug 27, 2009

Yup, you probably heard it here last. I've been super busy irl, and just haven't had the time to throw up a blog entry just yet, but 0.3.0 final is out and you can grab it from the Exaile downloads page.


Bazitis: Gitosis for Bzr (Baazar)

Published: Nov 26, 2008

At work, I use git. For Exaile I use bzr. I like them both quite a bit. At work, we use Gitosis to manage our repositories and I have to say, it's pretty damn cool. Nothing quite like this exists for bzr, so I ported Gitosis to bzr and called it Bazitis. The launchpad project page can be found here. Here are the instructions on how to use Bazitis:


Posting articles to Twitter via Django

Published: Oct 12, 2008

I noticed that every time Clint Savage makes a blog update, he posts the URL to Twitter twice (yeah, that's you herlo :P). The URLs for each Twitter post are different, so I figured it must be some sort of automated Wordpress script with a bug in it...


Django template autoescaping

Published: Nov 15, 2007

Vimtips.org is running the SVN version of Django. This morning I ran an svn update, and I ran into my first API change. While looking at my site later on in the day, I noticed that both of my template filters were being HTML escaped, IE, things like < were showing up as &lt;...


Decorator fun in Python

Published: Mar 26, 2007

I came across the following code a while ago. I can't take credit for it, and I can't remember where I got it. Oh well. It's pretty cool nonetheless.