Tag: Exaile

20 articles

Exaile needs a team leader

Published: May 10, 2012

Due to the recent news Regarding Stallman's heart attack, I ended up on the wikipedia page for The Cathedral and the Bazaar, and I was reading the "Guidelines for creating good opensource software". Number 3 says:


Exaile Released!

Published: Sep 8, 2009

This month is my company's national convention. This combined with a secret project I'm working on after hours means I basically have no time to work on Exaile until October. So, no thanks to me, Exaile has been released. This one is brought to you by the other members of the team, and is a bugfix release for 0.3.0. This includes fixing the bug that was causing 0.2.14->0.3 migration problems for most people. Enjoy!


Exaile 0.3.0 final released!

Published: Aug 27, 2009

Yup, you probably heard it here last. I've been super busy irl, and just haven't had the time to throw up a blog entry just yet, but 0.3.0 final is out and you can grab it from the Exaile downloads page.


Exaile's Very First Bugday Event

Published: Jul 24, 2009

Next Tuesday (July 28th) starting at 14:00 GMT (7:00 am MST) the Exaile team will be hosting the very first Exaile bugday. Our goal will be to hammer out as many bugs as we possibly can. SiDi has set up a Launchpad Group that will have it's own branch (based from the 0.3 trunk) so that people wanting to participate will be able to commit their changes.


Exaile Development Update, July 24, 2009

Published: Jul 24, 2009

Exaile development has been very active in the past few weeks. We are working very hard to make our August goal. As well as picking up mathbr as a developer, we've had quite a few contributors adding/fixing a lot of things. If you're like me, this screenshot makes you drool (click on it to get a larger view):


Amazon AWS API Changes and You

Published: May 8, 2009

I got an email from Amazon today saying that they were changing some things in their API. Aside from changing the name of the services from "Amazon Web Service" to "Product Advertising API", by August 15th, they are requiring that users of the API send the previously optional HMAC signature when authenticating. What does this mean to you?


Exaile on OS X

Published: Apr 23, 2009

In just the last month or so, there have been a few people in the #exaile channel on freenode asking if Exaile works in OS X. I honestly didn't know.


Exaile 0.3 Roundup for October 29, 2008

Published: Oct 29, 2008

This week I've been focusing on album art support. It was actually Aren's idea that, from the beginning, we should create pluggable interfaces for things like dynamic playlists, album art, lyrics, devices, and etc. This means that album art support wouldn't be hard coded to one place like Amazon, but anyone could add a plugin to support album art from anywhere. Currently, there are three album art plugins: local search, which checks local directories for image names like 'cover.jpg' and etc., Amazon, and Last.FM. The idea is that each plugin will be searched in order until something is found. Also Aren's idea: the order that each plugin is searched should be user definable...


Exaile: Shoutcast Plugin 0.4.8

Published: Oct 7, 2008

Some of you might have noticed that the Shoutcast plugin hasn't worked for a while, and wasn't fixed with the 0.2.14 update. This is because they changed the way that their site looks, and so the plugin wasn't able to parse it...


Exaile 0.3 Roundup

Published: Sep 11, 2008

A nice fellow emailed and asked me if I could post a monthly (possibly weekly) roundup on Exaile 0.3 so that people can follow what's going on. It sounded like a good idea to me, so here's the first one.