Tag: Django

7 articles

Posting articles to Twitter via Django

Published: Oct 12, 2008

I noticed that every time Clint Savage makes a blog update, he posts the URL to Twitter twice (yeah, that's you herlo :P). The URLs for each Twitter post are different, so I figured it must be some sort of automated Wordpress script with a bug in it...


Django template autoescaping

Published: Nov 15, 2007

Vimtips.org is running the SVN version of Django. This morning I ran an svn update, and I ran into my first API change. While looking at my site later on in the day, I noticed that both of my template filters were being HTML escaped, IE, things like < were showing up as &lt;...


Thoughts on Django

Published: Oct 31, 2007

Django is a "high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design." So far, I have absolutely no complaints... and much praise.


Converting from TextPattern to Django

Published: Oct 29, 2007

I like TextPattern a lot, but it doesn't seem to work well for programmers. I couldn't ever find a syntax highlighting plugin (that worked) for it, and even when I did figure out a way to post code TextPattern would try to format it.

So, I finally had a reason to learn Django, and here is the product. I even implemented my own syntax highlighting filter (Josh Simpson's idea to do this is actually what finally made me want to switch away from TextPattern in the first place):